Voice/Instrument: | Pianoforte |
Vedernikov, Anatoly Ivanovich (1920-1993), Russian pianist, teacher.
He was born in Harbin in 1920 in the family trade worker. Performing career began in 1930 as a pianist-prodigy. In 1933 he graduated from the Higher School of Music in Harbin (Class VI Dilon). Before 1936 concerts in China and Japan (where he took lessons from pianist L. Sirota). In 1936 he entered the Moscow Conservatory (in the class H. Neuhaus), from which he graduated in 1947. In 1937, parents Vedernikova were repressed: her father was shot, his mother has been sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. In 1942, gave his first solo concert in Moscow. In 1945 took part in the All-Union Competition of performing musicians, but was not admitted to the 3rd round. Was friendly with Sviatoslav Richter (also a student of Neuhaus), in 1940-1959, they often performed together. Creative relationship tied pianist with Prokofiev, instruct him to do transcriptions and instrumentation of a number of his works; Vedernikov was the first performer in Russia of his Fourth Concerto for Piano and Orchestra. The first (after the author) performed the 1 st and 24 th Preludes and Fugues (op. 87) D. Shostakovich, which valued the interpretation of his works Vedernikov. Became a soloist Mosconcert, but its musical activities primarily taking place on the periphery. From 1958 he taught at Musical-Pedagogical Institute. Gnesinyh (since 1963 Associate Professor) since 1980 at the Moscow Conservatory (since 1985 Professor), among his pupils AV Sheludyakov, NS Kislenko. Since 1969 began performing abroad (in the socialist countries), in 1980 he made his debut in Italy and Scotland, then toured in Finland and Germany. In 1983 he was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of the RSFSR '.
Performing style Vedernikova different intellectual rationalism. Vedernikov preferred product of philosophical plan - Bach, Beethoven, Frank S.. It was the first performer in Russia of many works of composers 20 in. - B. Bartok, Hindemith (Ludus tonalis cycle, etc.), as well as performed world premieres of 2-nd sonatas GI Ustvolskaya and sonatas VE Souslin.
Vedernikov died in Moscow in 1993. After his death, the Japanese firm 'Denon' issued on 26 CDs pianist (as of 2000).