Voice/Instrument: | Flute |
Gregory Madatov (3 April 1898, Baku - 14 March 1968, Moscow) - Soviet flutist and teacher. Born in a family of music lovers, where all five children from childhood to learn to play different instruments, and almost all later became professional musicians (brother - Efron Madatov - violinist, concertmaster of the Bolshoi Theater, Nina Yakovlevna Madatov - pianist professor of the Baku Conservatory). The first music lessons received from her mother, who played well on the piano. Father gave the boy a flute, and he did himself osvoil.Po after high school, he studied at the Baku Commercial College, where he played in the school orchestra. At the same time he studied at the music school on the flute teacher at Sheflinga. In 1914 took a few lessons from VN Tsybin, who was in Baku travel on a tour of the orchestra. "Each lesson lasted no less than one and a half hours. And V. Tsybin played me all that asked, starting with the audio exercises, scales, arpeggios, triads, and concert pieces. Two months daily contact with V. Tsybin was for me a true pleasure and a great school. Tips V. Tsybina preserved in memory for a lifetime. After the third lesson B. Tsybin recommended me to the orchestra on the third flute, where I was adopted after the test. "Soon, entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory in the class of VN Tsybin, since 1916 studied in B. Krechmana in Moscow konservatorii.S 1919 to 1937. - Soloist of the Azerbaijan Theater of Opera and Ballet and taught at the Baku Conservatory. Since 1936, the year of foundation - the director of the Baku Philharmonic. Since 1937 - soloist of the Symphony Orchestra of Georgia. In Tbilisi, also organizes concerts and gained a reputation as a brilliant administrator. During his active creative and organizational activities in Georgia in those years, was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR. Since 1944 moved to Moscow, where he became a soloist with orchestra of Soviet radio and taught in schools it. Gnesinyh (academy, school and college).