
I Puritani (Serafin)

I Puritani (Serafin)
Composer:Vincenzo Bellini
Conductor:Tullio Serafin


 I puritani (The Puritans) is an opera in three acts, by Vincenzo Bellini. It is his last opera. Its libretto is by Count Carlo Pepoli based on Têtes rondes et Cavaliers by Jacques-François Ancelot and Joseph Xavier Saintine. It was first produced at the Théâtre-Italien in Paris, January 24, 1835. At the same time, Bellini composed an alternative version intended for the famous Maria Malibran, who was to sing it in Naples; in fact, this version was not performed on stage until April 10, 1986 at the Teatro Petruzzelli, Bari.

Place: England during the English Civil War
Time: 1640s

Act 1

A fortress near Plymouth, commanded by Lord Gualtiero Valton

At daybreak, the Puritan soldiers anticipate victory over the Royalists. Riccardo had been promised Elvira's hand in marriage by Lord Valton but, returning to Plymouth, he finds that she is in love with Arturo (a Royalist), and will marry him instead. He confides in Bruno ("Ah! Per sempre ... Bel sogno beato").

In Elvira's apartments, Giorgio reveals that it was he who persuaded Lord Valton to grant Elvira's wish. She is overjoyed.

Arturo arrives for the wedding and celebrates his new-found happiness ("A te, o cara"). Valton is to take a mysterious lady (suspected of being a Royalist spy) to appear before Parliament. Arturo discovers that she is Enrichetta (Henrietta Maria), widow of the executed King Charles I. Elvira appears singing a joyful polonaise ("Son vergin vezzosa"), but drops her wedding veil as she departs to make ready for the wedding. Arturo uses the veil to disguise Enrichetta as Elvira and so enabling her to escape. On the way, they encounter Riccardo and, when he discovers that the woman with Arturo is not Elvira, he is content to let them pass. When the escape is discovered, Elvira believes herself deserted and loses her reason ("Oh, vieni al tempio, fedele Arturo").

Act 2

Another part of the fortress

Giorgio describes Elvira's madness ("Cinta di fiori"). Riccardo brings the news that Arturo is now a fugitive who has been condemned to death for allowing Enrichetta to escape. Elvira now appears, still deranged but longing for Arturo ("Qui la voce ...Vien, diletto"). Giorgio and Riccardo argue over whether Arturo's death will mean that Elvira will die of grief, but eventually agree that he must die if he is found fighting for the Royalists in the impending battle ("Il rival salvar tu dei ... Suoni la tromba").

Act 3

The countryside near the fortress, three months later

Arturo is still on the run, but has returned to see Elvira. He hears her singing ("A una fonte afflitto e solo") and they are reunited ("Vieni fra le mie braccie"). But Elvira fears that they will again be parted, and when Riccardo arrives, with Giorgio and the soldiers, to announce Arturo's death sentence, she finally comes to her senses. An ensemble ("Credeasi, misera") develops, during which the unusually high note of an F above high C is required from Arturo, and even Riccardo is moved by the plight of the lovers. The soldiers demand Arturo's execution, but word is brought that, although the Royalists have been defeated, Oliver Cromwell has pardoned all prisoners. The lovers are finally united for good.

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1 01 Introduzione 3:25 3.12 Mb 128 Kbps buy
2 02 Ali'erta! Ali'erta! 4:29 4.10 Mb 128 Kbps buy
3 03 O di Cromvel guerrieri 3:14 2.97 Mb 128 Kbps buy
4 04 A festa! 2:38 2.42 Mb 128 Kbps buy
5 05 Or dove fuggo io mai? 2:51 2.62 Mb 128 Kbps buy
6 06 Ah! per sempre io ti perdei 3:20 3.05 Mb 128 Kbps buy
7 07 T'appellan le schiere...Your troops summon you...Bel sogno beato, di pace e contento 1:53 1.72 Mb 128 Kbps buy
8 08 O amato zio, o mio secondo padre! 2:19 2.13 Mb 128 Kbps buy
9 09 Sai com'arde in petto mio... 6:59 6.40 Mb 128 Kbps buy
10 10 Odi...Qual suon si desta? 3:07 2.86 Mb 128 Kbps buy
11 11 Ad Arturo onore 2:51 2.62 Mb 128 Kbps buy
12 12 A te, o cara, amor talora 6:20 5.80 Mb 128 Kbps buy
13 13 Il rito augusto so campia senza me 2:07 1.95 Mb 128 Kbps buy
14 14 Com'io, vi unisca 4:20 3.97 Mb 128 Kbps buy
15 15 Son vergin vezzosa 3:30 3.21 Mb 128 Kbps buy
16 16 Sulla virginea testa 0:44 0.67 Mb 128 Kbps buy
17 17 Ferma. Invan rapir pretendi... 4:28 4.09 Mb 128 Kbps buy
18 18 E'gia al ponte - passa il forte 3:55 3.59 Mb 128 Kbps buy
19 19 Oh vieni al tempio, fedele Arturo 5:35 5.11 Mb 128 Kbps buy
20 20 Ma tu gia mi fuggi? 2:41 2.47 Mb 128 Kbps buy


1 21 Ah...dolor! Ah terror! 5:42 5.23 Mb 128 Kbps buy
2 22 Qual novella? 2:50 2.59 Mb 128 Kbps buy
3 23 Cinta di fiori e col ben crin disciolto 4:04 3.72 Mb 128 Kbps buy
4 24 E di morte lo strai non sara lento 2:39 2.44 Mb 128 Kbps buy
5 25 O rendetemi la speme...Qui la voce sua soave mi chiamava... 11:20 10.38 Mb 128 Kbps buy
6 26 Vien, diletto, e in ciel la luna! 2:45 2.51 Mb 128 Kbps buy
7 27 Il rival salvar tu dei 4:42 4.31 Mb 128 Kbps buy
8 28 Se tra il buio un fantasma vedra! 2:28 2.26 Mb 128 Kbps buy
9 29 Riccardo! Riccardo! 2:07 1.93 Mb 128 Kbps buy
10 30 Suoni la tromba 3:46 3.46 Mb 128 Kbps buy


1 31 Son salvo, alfin son salvo 4:07 3.78 Mb 128 Kbps buy
2 32 A una fonte afflitto e solo 2:20 2.15 Mb 128 Kbps buy
3 33 Qual suon! Alcun s'appressa 2:01 1.84 Mb 128 Kbps buy
4 34 Son gia lontani! 3:16 3.00 Mb 128 Kbps buy
5 35 Fini...melassa! 3:12 2.93 Mb 128 Kbps buy
6 36 Ch'ei provo lontan da me? 3:22 3.08 Mb 128 Kbps buy
7 37 Vieni fra queste braccia 3:05 2.82 Mb 128 Kbps buy
8 38 Alto la! Fedel drappello 1:11 1.09 Mb 128 Kbps buy
9 39 Cavalier, ti colse il Dio 2:04 1.90 Mb 128 Kbps buy
10 40 Credeasi, misera!... 5:02 4.61 Mb 128 Kbps buy
11 41 Suon d'araldi? 3:33 3.25 Mb 128 Kbps buy

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