
Berlin Classics Basics - CD09 - Gershwin

Berlin Classics Basics - CD09 - Gershwin
Composer:George Gershwin

CD09 - Gershwin

1 1. Rhapsody in Blue 15:59 36.59 Mb 320 Kbps buy
2 2. Porgy and Bess Suite 14:38 33.50 Mb 320 Kbps buy
3 3. Cuban Ouverture 9:41 22.17 Mb 320 Kbps buy
4 4. An American in Paris 18:06 41.45 Mb 320 Kbps buy

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CD09 - Gershwin

1 1. Rhapsody in Blue 15:59 73.22 Mb 640 Kbps buy
2 2. Porgy and Bess Suite 14:38 79.16 Mb 756 Kbps buy
3 3. Cuban Ouverture 9:41 54.85 Mb 791 Kbps buy
4 4. An American in Paris 18:06 89.75 Mb 693 Kbps buy
Total: 0 $

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